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Sound Dampening Temporary Music Classroom

The Location

Birch St. Baptist Church

The Challenge

Music lesson classroom

The Solution

Maximizing the use of church space is essential for Birch St. Baptist Church.  With a growing congregation and expanding classes offered at their facility, administrators needed to find a quick, simple and cost-efficient solution to their spacial needs.  After learning about the flexibility Screenflex Room Dividers provide, Birch St. Baptist Church contacted our sales representative to discover the many benefits Screenflex partitions provide.  The immediate need was for a private space for music lessons throughout the week.  The only space available was in their multipurpose room which is shared with other ministries.  By adding a 13-panel room divider to this space, they are able to carve out a space for small group lessons, prayer time, or meeting room.  The movable panels are designed to absorb sound and display instructional items making them ideal for this transitional space.

Divide Fellowship Space • Reduce Noise • Display Materials

Browse Religious Dividers


Call Us Now: 855-960-6020