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Art Gallery Partition for Exhibits

Market: Art Displays
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The Location

University of Maryland Art Gallery

The Challenge

Art Gallery Privacy Screens

The Solution

Screenflex customer, the University of Maryland Art Gallery, is constantly updated art exhibits to showcase new student artwork in their gallery.  The gallery team wanted a way to create privacy when setting up a new art show space so they would not disturb gallery visitors.  Gallery employees are so pleased with how their Screenflex temporary walls perform.  Not only do they provide the necessary privacy, but they absorb sounds that may travel throughout the gallery.  Employees have also expressed how easy it to move the temporary walls throughout the art display facility.  The folding partition walls roll on self-leveling casters, can be arranged in various configurations to divide the space, and are tackable to display artwork or relevant information.

Divide Rooms • Reduce Noise • Display Art

Browse Art Display Dividers


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