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Behavioral Therapy Facility Modifications for Better Service

Market: Healthcare

Behavioral Therapy Facility

Behavioral therapy and rehabilitation facilities frequently face the challenge of running out of rooms to care for more patients. People seeking the help these centers provide, struggle to find a center that has availability.  Expertly trained staff members work tirelessly to better their patients’ care while providing them with the help they need.  Additionally, staff often find it frustrating to turn patients away because of space constraints. What do you do when you don’t have enough rooms?  The answer is quite simple, invest in Screenflex Portable Room Dividers. The advantage of using portable dividers in your behavioral therapy facility is three-fold: excellent space utilization, the ability to serve more patients, and improved patient privacy.

One on one therapy session

Space Utilization

Maximizing the use of your facility space is essential to providing services to patients in need of a safe environment during their journey to feel well again. With portable walls, open spaces convert into multiple rooms. Meaning, an existing space divides into two, three, or even four individual rooms for meetings, medication management areas, medical care, individual therapy, and experiential therapy.

Serving Additional Patients

With more rooms available, additional patients can receive the treatment they need in pursuit of a more satisfying life. There is no more need to turn potential patients away. Those seeking individual therapy, group therapy, couples/family therapy, or attend workshops and seminars are given appropriate space to grow and heal. The portable walls allow various meetings to take place at once while keeping the conversation more intimate.

Improved Patient Privacy

In addition to utilizing the perfect space, treatment facilities recognize that all patients are guaranteed their right to privacy. Patient privacy goes above and beyond the instilled HIPAA Law. Patients should feel comfortable and safe in a private space so they can focus on making their desired changes in their spiritual, emotional, physical, and social lives. Additionally, Screenflex temporary walls create quieter environments by absorbing up to 65% of ambient noise in a room. This tactic helps patients feel calm and not overly stimulated.


With a serene environment, additional treatment rooms, and experienced staff, your treatment center is sure to make a positive impact.

Patient Privacy • Noise Reduction

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