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Temporary Walls as Dynamic Solution

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The Location

Politz Day School

The Challenge

Classroom Divider

The Solution

Serving the needs of all of its students is the utmost priority for Politz Day School.  School administrators are often faced with the challenge of creating enough learning areas to accommodate different learning styles and leaves them searching for the right solution to create flexible learning areas.  Screenflex portable partitions help schools connect space design to positive student outcomes by creating privacy for students that require quieter environments to excel.  Rooms can be divided into multi classrooms with ease.  Windows can be added to special sized room dividers to allow for ample light into the newly created space.  Screenflex plexiglass windows come in three sizes; 10″ by 10″, 20″ by 24″, and 20″ by 48″.

Divide Office Space • Limit Distractions • Reduce Noise

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