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Mobile Art Gallery

Market: Art Displays
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The Location

Lincoln Jr. High School

The Challenge

Display Student Artwork on Portable Device

The Solution

Art shows in an education setting can pop up anywhere in the school. Whether using a gymnasium or a wide walkway, art displays need to be adaptable and easy to tear down afterward. For this reason, a teacher from Lincoln Jr High School reached out to Screenflex for a mobile art gallery. This gallery needed not only to be portable but also sturdy and easy to store as well. For the best freestanding art display, use Screenflex Portable Room Dividers.

These flexible room partitions pictured are the Standard Dividers from Screenflex. This school was holding an art show in the gymnasium and needed an appropriate showcase board. These dividers were placed with plenty of space in between to form a walkway. By setting them up this way, they are able to both display art and create crowd control as well. Each divider is 6’0″ in height and has seven panels of tackable fabric providing plenty of displayable space. The fabric also will remain undamaged after the art is removed as well. Along the bottom of the screen rests casters for easy portability. When this particular show is over, the school can fold up their mobile art gallery and store it for another time.

Divide Rooms • Reduce Noise • Display Art

Browse Art Display Dividers


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