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Direct Your Attention: Room Dividers Are Dynamic Information and Wayfinding Hubs

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Room dividers create separation in open spaces, fostering privacy and defining areas. But these versatile furnishings can be more than just space separators. Room dividers and partitions can become dynamic information hubs with signage, maps, and more, making them powerful tools for wayfinding, communication, and information dissemination.  


Defining Areas for Clearer Navigation 

Room dividers visually define areas within a larger space, making the overall layout instantly more comprehensible. Let’s take a library, for example. Strategic use of dividers, whether it’s the Standard Room Divider or Light Duty Partitions and more, can create designated sections like a children’s area, a quiet reading or study zone, and a computer lab. Just by walking in, you can grasp the purpose of each section, making it much easier to find what you’re looking for. 

Transforming Dividers into Information Hubs 

The beauty of room dividers as information hubs lies in the ample usable surface area they offer. This transforms them into a prime canvas for displaying a variety of information elements:

Signage Central: Effective wayfinding signage makes navigation easier, reducing stress, anxiety, and frustrations for users. By smoothly guiding people from point A to point B, it significantly improves the overall experience within a facility.

Room dividers can become backdrops for clear and concise signage. This can include directional arrows pointing towards restrooms or exits, department labels in office buildings, or safety instructions in industrial settings. And since modular dividers are adaptable, the wayfinding signage can be easily updated to reflect changes in layout or information needs.

Maps on Display: Large-scale floor plans or venue maps can be challenging to showcase in open spaces. Room dividers offer a perfect solution. Utilize a section of the divider or create a designated map display panel. This provides a central location for users to access crucial navigational information, promoting a smoother user experience.

Color Coding for Enhanced Comprehension: Implement a color-coding system where each divider panel corresponds to a specific area on a map or floor plan. This creates a visual link between the physical space and the navigational aid. Users can then intuitively understand the layout and retain information more easily. Back to the library example, each section of the divider (red, green, blue) corresponds to the children’s section (red), computer area (green), and quiet reading zone (blue) on the map.

Temporary Safety: If the building or venue is undergoing construction or renovations, dividers can act as a visual deterrent and regulatory signage for enhanced awareness. They can be posted with safety guidelines or a timeline of construction updates, too, to further inform tenants of the progress.

Tailored Solutions for Diverse Spaces 

The true potential of room dividers as information hubs unfolds when they are adapted to the specific needs of a space. Here are some examples:

Schools: Modular dividers can create designated areas for different classes or age groups. Signage on the dividers, like the Dry Erase/Tackable Screens, can display classroom and teacher info, lunch menus, daily schedules, or even inspirational quotes to create a positive learning environment. The tackable, bulletin board-like sections can be used to showcase student artwork or important announcements.

Light gray room dividers opened at the middle to a room on the other side.

Trade Shows and Events: Dividers can be used to section off booths or create designated registration areas. Signage can showcase event schedules, highlight specific exhibitors, or provide wayfinding information. Bulletins can be used to display product information or special offers, grabbing attendee attention.

Offices: Modular dividers can create dedicated workspaces for teams or individual employees, fostering focus and privacy. Signage on the dividers or cubicle walls can display team names, department information, or project schedules, as well as to showcase company achievements, upcoming events, or employee recognition. 


Design for Wayfinding with Screenflex 

Room dividers can evolve beyond their traditional role of creating separation. By transforming them into dynamic information hubs, we can unlock a new level of functionality in public and private spaces, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience for visitors navigating new spaces.  

Divide Rooms • Reduce Noise • Display Materials

Browse Room Dividers


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