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Folding Wall Setup in Manufacturing Facility

The Location

International Facility Management Association

The Challenge

Needed a private meeting area in a factory

The Solution

Screenflex Folding Wall ~ Managing Your Facility Space

Provide a private workspace for your facility manager by creating a room with Screenflex Portable Room Dividers.

The International Facility Management Association (IFMA) has identified 11 core elements to facility safety.  These are communication; emergency preparedness and business continuity; environmental stewardship and sustainability; finance and business; human factors; leadership and strategy; operations and maintenance; project management; quality; real estate and property management; and technology.  A Screenflex Room Divider in your facility can help you accomplish several of these core elements.  The panels can be arranged to communicate information to staff regarding emergency safety and procedures.  The dividers also provide a safety barrier between workers and management stations.  The room divider can also be arranged to create a private meeting room within the factory.

Sturdy, durable and long-lasting, Screenflex portable walls are available in 36 heights and lengths and 38 color choices. Units ship fully assembled and ready to use.

Manage the space in your facility with Screenflex. Call us today at 800-553-0110 for a quote or to get a list of customers in your area.


Last Updated:
By: Ann

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