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Room Dividers for Reunion Church

Dividers for Reunion Church

Room Dividers for Reunion Church

Dividers for Reunion Church

Room Dividers for Reunion Church

Heavy-duty Room Dividers uses at Reunion Church

Creating four additional classrooms in a large open area is easy when you know how! The members of Reunion Church were familiar with Screenflex Portable Room Dividers based upon their experiences at other churches. So when they needed four more rooms for the growing ministries, they knew who to call. They chose several heavy-duty portable accordion walls for their use. Our heavy-duty line is a beefed up version of our Freestanding Portable Room Dividers line. Usually, this line is used in unusually rough conditions such as in convention centers. However, this is what the customer wanted, and that’s what they used.

Last Updated:
By: Kathy


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