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A Unique Plan Using Room Dividers

Room Dividers in a Circular Room create a unique plan

An incredibly unique plan

Room Dividers in a Circular Room

Screenflex Room Dividers Used in a Unique Plan

Talk about unique! We have created many plans using our portable walls for various facilities throughout the world. However, the current title holder for a unique plan using Screenflex Portable Room Dividers goes to a facility in Ghana, Africa. This customer had a need to create ten separate rooms in a mostly circular space with an adjoining rectangular room. Each internal room is to be different in size and shape. The versatility of Screenflex acoustical panels allows us to create this one-of-a-kind plan. Each room is created with one or more portable room dividers and includes a door option. The panels are an ideal option for this location because of their versatility and sound absorption qualities.  Additionally, each panel is constructed with a 3/4 inch honeycomb core covered in your choice of colored fabric or vinyl.  

Last Updated:
By: Kathy


Browse Room Dividers


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