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Temporary Classrooms Setup Anywhere!

The Location

Reading Lab

The Challenge

Transform Science Lab to Reading Room

The Solution

Thanks to the foresight of the reading teachers and the school administration at this growing school they were able to see the potential in this unused classroom.  With a growing number of students in their reading pull-out program, the teachers needed a larger temporary classroom to accommodate the students.    Construction was not an option, but privacy was a must.  After searching for the best option, school administrators contacted Screenflex to find the best size room dividers that could transform this science lab into a reading lab for students.  The teachers use Screenflex Room Dividers to separate the varying reading level students into smaller groups.  This is a great way to use the space since students can come from different grade levels to the lab at the same time, but receive the assistance they need depending on their reading skills. The portable walls absorb the sound between the classes and eliminate distractions in the room.  What a great use of time and space!

Screenflex Room Dividers ~ Temporary Classrooms

Sturdy, durable and long-lasting, Screenflex portable walls are available in 6 heights and 6 lengths and 38 color choices. Units ship fully assembled and ready to use. Manage the space in your facility with Screenflex. Call us today at 800-553-0110 for a quote or to get a list of customers in your area.

Divide Classrooms • Reduce Noise • Display Materials

Browse Educational Dividers


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