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Portable Sunday School Classrooms Where and When You Need Them

The Location

Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church

The Challenge

Additional Sunday school classrooms

The Solution

Using a series of Screenflex room dividers, Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bethesda Maryland created several portable Sunday School classrooms and an office, right in their church basement. These classrooms have been invaluable for growing their program and because they’ve created the rooms with rolling temporary walls, it allows them the flexibility to break down the classrooms when they need the space for other functions.

When not being used, the units are closed and nested together in a storeroom or against a wall. Each unit only needs a 2′ X 3′ storage area.  Closed and nested portable Sunday School dividers are stored away so the room can be used to make lunches for area homeless.



Divide Fellowship Space • Reduce Noise • Display Materials

Browse Religious Dividers


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