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There is a New Kid in Town

Being the new kid is never easy.  Whether it’s the first day at a new school, moving to a new…

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Room Dividers Made In the USA Are Superior In Quality

In case you are wondering where we manufacture our room dividers, this video tells you all you need to know…

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Go Green! Save More Than A Tree With Screenflex Room Dividers!

Value of Being Green Screenflex Room Dividers are made of 76% recycled materials! We are on the brink of serious…

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Before Screenflex Room Dividers And After

If you are looking for room dividers for your facility, you might like to see some examples of what Screenflex…

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Can Your Body Language Shape Who You Are?

If you could walk into an interview or give a speech and know that the probability of your success would…

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Screenflex Employee Highlight ~ Tom

  If you work at Screenflex you probably know Tom. Tom's co-workers find his levity to be quite entertaining around…

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Employee Highlight of the Month~ Rita Hernandez

Rita Hernandez-Screenflex Employee Highlight of the Month Our employee highlight this month is Rita Hernandez. Rita has worked here at…

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Create Semi-Private Rooms With Ease

Room Dividers To Create Private Spaces Station 19 Architects use Screenflex room dividers frequently to create semi-private spaces in their…

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