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A Simple Plan for Using Room Dividers

Design Plans Can Make a Big Impact on How You Use Your Space You may be wondering, how can I…

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What are your General Height Recommendations?

Understanding what are your general height recommendations for portable walls can make a big difference when choosing a divider We…

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Screenflex Heavy Duty Room Dividers vs Standard Dividers

Are Screenflex Heavy Duty Room Dividers Available? Yes!  Screenflex heavy duty room dividers are designed to handle more strenuous use. They…

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Does the Height of the Dividers Differ Per Use?

In some scenarios, the answer is yes.  For instance, daycare users prefer shorter units. It's based partly on common sense…

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Room Planning Help and Ideas

We know that no two rooms are alike.  Therefore, the way room dividers are used in a customers space is…

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Ways to Minimize Noise in the Classroom

It is easy to understand why students find themselves distracted in noisy classrooms.  From the stimulation of the computers to…

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When Should Churches Think About Divvying up Space?

With the fluctuation in church attendance, churches are in constant need of evaluating their space usage.  Asking questions like- do…

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Are Screenflex Room Dividers Environmentally Friendly?

Eco-friendly or green products are the buzzwords of today. Screenflex, along with a growing number of consumers and business, cares…

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