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Incorporating Room Dividers into Educational Spaces Enhances Creativity and Engagement

Market: Education

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Is your classroom stuck in a rut? Are the walls feeling stale and uninspiring? It’s time to break free and transform your learning space into a vibrant hub of creativity and focus! Screenflex room dividers are more than just space partitioners; they’re artistic canvases, dynamic learning tools, and acoustic heroes waiting to be unleashed. 

Create a Calm Learning Environment with Acoustic Panels 

A calm and focused environment is essential for optimal learning. Excessive noise can be a major distraction, hindering concentration and comprehension. Noise levels in classrooms typically range from 48 decibels during quiet times to over 60 decibels when children are engaged in active learning like play, talking, or group work. One study cited that roughly 40% of students find noise distracting while taking tests. The more disruptive the noise was, the lower their math scores generally were.

But Haven Acoustic Wall Panels can help. These panels absorb sound, preventing echoes and reverberation that can be distracting and disruptive. In fact, they are NRC rated up to 0.80, which is an excellent acoustic performance. They are also sustainable, made from recycled material from PET bottles. And many of our room dividers also have acoustical properties, like the Standard Room Divider. It features a ¾”-thick closed-cell honeycomb core that reduces sounds up to 55%.  

Brighten Young Minds with Colorful School Room Dividers 

Did you know color can significantly impact mood, learning, and overall well-being? Vibrant hues can spark creativity, while calming tones promote focus. Screenflex offers a kaleidoscope of colors to suit any classroom aesthetic. Or customize your classroom with a Custom Print Divider. Screenflex can print a colorful logo, mural, geometric patterns, nature scenes, inspirational quotes, or any other design on your divider. And the Galleria™ Indoor Outdoor Display Board becomes an easy-to-use, dynamic stage for showcasing student masterpieces, fostering a sense of pride and accomplishment. Simply pin, staple, or tack student artwork onto the gray tackable fabric and reuse over and over again.  

Reflect Your School Spirit with Custom Themes and Designs 

A strong school culture is the cornerstone of a successful learning environment. It fosters a sense of belonging, pride, and community among students, teachers, and staff. Our Custom Print Dividers offer a unique opportunity to visually represent and reinforce your school’s identity. Incorporate school colors, logos, or mascot icons to transform ordinary spaces into dynamic reflections of your school’s culture and values.



Enjoy Interactive Learning with Magnetic Room Dividers 

Magnetic whiteboard partitions are the ultimate game-changers for modern classrooms, and the Dry Erase/Tackable Screens from Screenflex combines the functionality of a whiteboard with the versatility of a room divider, creating a dynamic learning surface. Imagine easily attaching and rearranging educational materials, sparking student engagement and critical thinking. 

Student writing on dry erase board with her classmates

For an extra layer of safety on top of a functioning whiteboard, deploy the Ballistic Safety Barrier. It features a hidden ballistic-grade core for peace of mind. Now, you can prioritize safety without sacrificing collaboration. 

Blend Functionality with Artistic Flair  

Screenflex room dividers, magnetic whiteboard partitions, and acoustical panels are the missing pieces to your vibrant and inspiring classroom puzzle. They foster creativity, collaboration, and academic achievement, all while adding a touch of artistic flair. Contact Screenflex today and let’s co-create a classroom that ignites a passion for learning! 

Divide Classrooms • Reduce Noise • Display Materials

Browse Educational Dividers


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