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Ways to use 4 Foot Screenflex Portable Wall in a Daycare Center

Market: Religious
Use: , , , Color: , Length: Height: ,

The Location

Church Daycare Center

The Challenge

Multiply daycare center space

The Solution

Screenflex Room Dividers ~ Using a 4 Feet Room Divider in a Daycare

Living Lord Lutheran Church needed to keep their fellowship hall open but yet needed to divide it for their Day Care Ministry. Answer?? Screenflex folding walls. They opted for a 4-foot wall that divides the space while allowing ample light into each room.

Sturdy, durable and long-lasting, Screenflex portable walls are available in 36 heights and lengths and 38 color choices. Units ship fully assembled and ready to use. Manage the space in your facility with Screenflex. Call us today at 800-553-0110 for a quote or to get a list of customers in your area.



Divide Fellowship Space • Reduce Noise • Display Materials

Browse Religious Dividers


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