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Create Additional Storage in Your Church

The Location

Northcoast Church- San Diego, CA.

The Challenge

Create Additional Storage in Multipurpose room

The Solution

Since church buildings can accumulate a lot of furniture and belongings, having places to store unused items is essential. Many church communities host a lot of events in addition to their Sunday services and need their furniture, signage, etc., to be stored in a way that allows easy access. Northcoast Church in San Diego, CA, was looking to create additional storage for their multipurpose room in their space. By reaching out to Screenflex, these church leaders were able to find room dividers that fit their needs perfectly.

The Screenflex Heavy Duty Room Divider shown helps block a portion of their room for a tidy storage area. Northcoast Church uses its divider in a straight line to give the appearance of a sleek freestanding wall. However, since these partitions fold accordion-style, they can create various other shapes if necessary. The Heavy Duty Dividers are among some of our sturdiest products that are meant to withstand a lot of foot traffic. These dividers are also portable but can lock in place because of their casters. This feature allows church members to create additional storage without worrying about movement or the dividers falling.

When asked about their products, our contact at the church has this to say: “[Our dividers are] the best quality we could find shopping on the internet.”

Divide Fellowship Space • Reduce Noise • Display Materials

Browse Religious Dividers


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