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Screenflex Portable Walls Used To Create a More Intimate Speaker Area

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Portable partitions create a more intimate speaker area

Screenflex dividers were rolled from a storage are in the Student Union to this cafeteria to create a speaker backdrop

Intimate Speaker Area Created by Screenflex

When Loyola University found out that their upcoming presenter preferred a more intimate speaker area than they had originally planned, they remembered their recent purchase of two Screenflex Portable Partitions for the Student Union.  They quickly rolled the units out of their storage closet and into the cafeteria and made this large area into a quieter venue. Food service operations were able to continue on the other side of the temporary wall.  Once the speaking engagement was complete, the room dividers were rolled into another area of the school and students could resume using the Student Union to its fullest.

Last Updated:
By: Kathy

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