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Enclose a Nursery With Dividers

The Location

Ridge Point Baptist Church- Wenatchee, WA

The Challenge

Close off a 3-Walled Room To Enclose a Nursery

The Solution

Churches tend to be creative in how they utilize their space for a variety of different purposes. As shown above, sometimes even a little nook can be used for some activity or storage. Ridge Point Baptist Church had a three-walled room that they wanted to use for a nursery. To enclose their nursery, they opted for a portable wall. When they reached out to Screenflex, we were happy to assist them in finding the perfect product for their needs.

After speaking with one of our sales consultants, the church representative found a Screenflex portable room divider to fit perfectly within their space. This Standard unit is 7’4″ in height and 11 panels in length which fits in the opening of this room well. To allow people to come in and out of the room, this divider comes with a door on the end. Micah, who we spoke to about their product, said that their room divider was perfect for their needs. Not only is the divider easy to set up and enclose the area, but it is also aestically pleasing in their nursery space. Micah mentioned that our representatives were excellent and helpful. He also recommended Screenflex to anyone in need of a temporary wall.

Divide Fellowship Space • Reduce Noise • Display Materials

Browse Religious Dividers


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