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Fabric-Covered Wheeled Art Panels

The Location

SOAR Denver

The Challenge

Create a Display of 450 Pieces of Art

The Solution

When putting together an art show, one of the most important factors to plan out is where to display all the work. Usually, the requirements for showcasing items include a tackable surface and ideally something portable and adaptable. A representative from SOAR Denver realized this and reached out to Screenflex for some wheeled art panels for an upcoming art show. By working with a Screenflex sales rep, together, they were able to find the products perfect for the approaching show.

The units they ended up choosing were both eleven panels and six feet in height. As shown above, these Screenflex Standard Dividers create a simple backdrop for their students’ beautiful artwork. The black and gray colorings make the art pop in contrast to them. The fabric along each panel is tackable and doesn’t tear upon the removal of items. The casters along the bottom of the dividers create adaptability of where to showcase the artwork. For instance, in a large room like a cafeteria, having wheeled art panels can create organized traffic flow and fill the space better than simple wall art. In general, the teachers at SOAR were pleased with their dividers for their showcase and future uses.


Divide Rooms • Reduce Noise • Display Art

Browse Art Display Dividers


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