Ensuring Student Privacy and Confidentiality in School Nurse's Office
Market: Healthcare
The Location
Lakes Central High School
The Challenge
Student privacy screens
The Solution
Lakes Central High School in St. John IN is ensuring student privacy and confidentiality by using Screenflex privacy screens/temporary walls between each recovery couch in their Health Services office. When a student arrives in the Nurse’s office, healthcare personnel simply expands one of the dividers which gives a student a private area to test their sugars, take a breathing treatment, rest, or be examined. Having a way to divide each area is also imperative when you have students who have entered the nurse’s office with contagious diseases. For each student, privacy screens can also help give them the best opportunity to rest and heal. When these students are sick and trying to heal, they need auditory privacy as well as visual. Screenflex student privacy screens all have a honeycomb core that can absorb excess noise. If the school nurse orders the fabric covering on these privacy screens instead of vinyl, then they can also tack on posters or other signage. In general, these dividers are perfect for any school nurse station.