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Subdivide Children's Area in Church

The Location

Grace Auburn Church- Auburn, AL

The Challenge

Use a portable room divider to create versatility in children's area

The Solution

If you run a church, you know that every room needs to be adaptable for anything. Particularly in your children’s ministry, you likely need to regularly subdivide your usable areas for multiple activities at once. The leaders at Grace Auburn Church in Auburn, AL needed a solution to divide their kids’ space. By reaching out to Screenflex, these church leaders were able to create the flexibility they required.

As shown, there is a Screenflex Standard Divider used in the kids’ ministry. Even though they are using the freestanding partition to block off storage in the picture, they also use it to create two classrooms in one space. Our contact, Pastor Lee, told us that the dividers allow them to subdivide the room based on the age groups of the children so that each has its own area. Since these dividers are portable, you can set them up anywhere within the room. Another feature that is excellent for kids is the sound absorption in each panel. While no room divider is entirely soundproof, the closed cell honeycomb core helps absorb the excess harsh echoes that commonly occur with large groups of noisy kids. Lee told us that the ordering process for their partition was excellent and would absolutely recommend Screenflex products to others.

Divide Fellowship Space • Reduce Noise • Display Materials

Browse Religious Dividers


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