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Create 5 New Adult Sunday School Classrooms in an Instant

The Location

Allegheny Center Alliance Church

The Challenge

Additional Sunday school classrooms

The Solution

Recently, Pastor Ken Turnbull of Allegheny Center Alliance Church in Pittsburgh, PA sent us pictures of their gym before, and after using the Screenflex dividers to create much-needed adult Sunday School classrooms. Pastor Trumbull began working with Screenflex Design Consultant Lourdes Morales early in August of 2014 when they were looking to create 5 adult Sunday School classrooms inside of their gym.

Not only do they roll out easily and set up quickly, but when they’re not being used to create temporary classrooms, the dividers can be moved to other parts of the facility and used for other purposes. When fully closed, our Screenflex units 6 feet and under will fit through any standard doorway, and the self-leveling casters allow you to roll them effortlessly across different flooring surfaces. Units store in a 2′ X 3′ area.



Divide Fellowship Space • Reduce Noise • Display Materials

Browse Religious Dividers


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