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Private Tutor Rooms

Private Tutor Rooms

Private tutor rooms created

Private Tutor Rooms

Private tutor rooms created

St. Phillips Church Parish also ran a school. Like most schools the student population comprised of students at various levels of knowledge. To help those students who needed some additional help in math and reading, a tutoring program was started. Five small rooms were needed to be created in the lunchroom. How would they do it? The school administrators purchased five Screenflex Portable wallseach one 60 high and 205 long. Each of the acoustical dividers creates a tutoring room approximately 9 ft. by 11 ft. This is ample room for students, tutor, and a table/work area. When not in use as tutor rooms, the tackable portable walls are used for various programs in the school such as dividing large areas for before school programs, special education, and even art display boards for schools art shows!

Last Updated:
By: Kathy


Browse Room Dividers


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