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Simple Church Storage Solutions

Nook Divider Room - Church Storage Solutions

Simple Church Storage Solutions

Nook Divider Room 3D

Simple Church Storage Area

Versatile Church Storage Solutions ~

The members of Calvary Baptist Church were tired of looking at the unkempt way their tables and folding chairs stored in the alcove of their basement. The alcove was roughly 10′ by 10′, and provided ample room for storage but was exposed to everyone. After researching many options, the best church storage solutions were Screenflex freestanding room dividers.  The dividers roll on caster wheels into place to hide the tables and chairs when needed. Because the panels are constructed from a honeycomb core covered with insulation and fabric, items can be tacked, stapled or pinned for display. The possibilities of using a Screenflex room divider throughout your congregation are endless!

Last Updated:
By: Kathy


Browse Room Dividers


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