Minimizing Noise with Screenflex Room Dividers
Market: Religious
Screenflex Room Dividers ~ Minimizing noise
Another useful feature is the sound absorbing qualities of some dividers. These dividers are helpful in situations where combined conversations of each group can be minimized to background noise.
Additional uses for room dividers are not limited to, community bases P.A.D.S. Programs or natural disasters. Some generous church leaders open their church doors to the community based senior citizen groups for programs on a weekly or monthly basis. The dividers are rolled into place to create areas for playing cards, sewing, or discussion groups.
At the other end of the spectrum from the senior citizen groups, is a combination of community-based youth groups. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Awana, and others are all community-based programs which often find a home in a local church. These groups all make excellent use of room dividers for their varied activities.