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Managing an Increase in Sunday School Enrollment

Market: Religious

Before and After Room Divider Pictures Sunday School Enrollment

Modifying Space for Increasing Sunday School Enrollment

So you are experiencing a substantial increase in Sunday School Enrollment. Whether it is due to the current economic downturn or because the staff is doing a great job is moot. For whatever the reasons, enrollment is up and some extra Sunday school classrooms are needed FAST.

The church has eight traditional classrooms, however, they are fully occupied with current enrollment. The fellowship hall is available on Sunday mornings but is occupied with various functions from wedding showers to Awana meetings during Sunday afternoons. How can the room be quickly divided into four separate classrooms for religious education in the morning and then be wide open for afternoon ministries on such short notice?

Answer? Screenflex Portable Room Dividers on casters! This type of divider can easily be rolled into place from their storage location and unfolded into their desired position as needed. Versatility is important as in all likelihood the four new classrooms will each have a different number of students thus requiring differently sized classrooms. When class is over, the church room divider can be folded just as easily and rolled back to their storage site.

Last Updated:
By: Kathy

Divide Fellowship Space • Reduce Noise • Display Materials

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