Unlimited Options For Your Classroom
Market: Education
Room dividers can create unlimited options for your classroom. Tackable, pinnable and sound absorbing panels are great for displaying. Bend and configure panels to create rooms of all shapes and sizes. Here are just a few examples of what you can do with a Standard Screenflex room divider:

Use your divider as a display board. How about an instant backdrop for school video announcements? Maybe a book fair board for posting wish lists. These are a few ways Riverview Elementary School has used their Screenflex room dividers so far.

Create a station at your school’s fun fair! Seth Paine Elementary School also uses room dividers during stage performances as a holding room for actors too.

Divide space in your classroom to lessen distractions. Use divider panels the way you would a bulletin board as seen at this schooConnecticutticut.

This room divider is used to hide & store chairs and equipment. The divider keeps the room looking clean and neat.