Why People Need Faith in Pandemics
Market: Religious
In a matter of months, the world has turned upside down. COVID-19 has rippled its way through thousands of people and has left the rest of the population hunkering down to wait it out. Humans are in the process of developing a new normal of living, and many old practices have to be adjusted. Some communities that have seen drastic changes since the start of the pandemic are churches and other places of worship. Even though worshippers cannot congregate together in current times with “Shelter-in-Place” and “Stay-at-Home” orders, they can still practice their devotion in different ways. Especially at this time, people need faith in their lives.
How to Worship with Social Distancing
Livestream masses and sermons
Since many churches around the world have temporarily closed, the methods of having a Sunday Mass have changed considerably. Fortunately, we are in the time of the internet where we can connect with others even if not in person. Most churches have been hosting live streams of their services through various social media platforms or other video conferencing sites. This is an excellent maneuver to safely practice weekly worship rituals from the homes of individuals.
Private Family Services and Bible Passages
Worship doesn’t only occur in a public holy place. It’s wherever you have a relationship with your God. In addition to the streaming services, practicing faith alone or with family can also be highly beneficial. Just like in times before the pandemic, prayer and bible studies can significantly comfort individuals on their own.
Parking Lot Worship
Depending on the size of your church, another option for worship services is to host them in the church’s parking lot. This can be tricky since most states aren’t allowed to gather more than ten people, but there seems to be some flexibility in regards to sitting in cars. Similar to a Drive-In movie theatre, each attendant can view the event in their own private space and even sometimes tune in to a set radio station for better audio. One way to minimize the number of people that show up could be to send out an Eventbrite invitation for a limited amount of seats. For those that didn’t sign up in time, continue to make live streaming still available.
How Church Leaders Can Help Their Members
Group Video Calls
Not only are sermons streamed online, but also small groups like bible studies or other ministries. Continuing these groups can have a positive impact on the members of the church. By maintaining these services in a new and safe way, it can continue to inspire faith instead of the fear that many people are feeling.
Putting Together a Food Drive
Another plausible activity to do besides ministry gatherings is putting together charitable events. Since many church members could be affected by job losses or quarantine, they could use your help and benefit from food or clothing drives. You never know what people are going through, and countless amounts of people look to the church for help in tough times.

Photo Source: www.freepik.com
Christians are currently in the middle of Holy Week and prepping for Easter this Sunday. Even though Easter traditions will look a little different, they don’t have to go away completely. Like the steps previously mentioned, the services can still go on as long as people can watch them on a live stream. For extra measures to protect the leaders who put on the service, use Clear Room Dividers. Screenflex has a freestanding clear divider that would be perfect for church leaders to put on an Easter Sunday service without risking contagion from others. Any physical barrier is an excellent tool to continue social distancing in a pandemic situation.
It can be easy to feel fearful in uncertain times. However, people need faith not only in their religious practices during the COVID-19 pandemic but also in knowing life will be okay afterward. Even though churches are physically closed down, people need spirituality more than ever. By continuing to practice faith, we can all keep a level head and get through the Coronavirus era together.